Interesting posts. We are very fortunate that you guys enjoy them so much, period.
BTW - it is true that I definitely prefer the Liga No. 9's straight out the box, as they have been pulled from the aging room when Saka, Nickolas and I feel that they are ready. In the beginning we waited a set time, then we reduced the time, then we moved to a "when they are ready" system. Plenty of my friends completely disagree with me, and prefer to age them an additional 6 months cause the beauty of the No.9 is the earthy balance, which is always reinforced with some time.
However, the T52's are awesome for me with a 6 month age on them (after boxed and shipped).
Hope some of you guys can make the trip. As you may know, in addition to the many, many events and stuff, there will be a "Limited Edition Evening" that PJ will be hosting at the DE factory dinner. All of the companies are hard at work prepping their LE's and there are going to be some great ones for sure.
Anyway, bed time.