Finally jot a JD, haven't tried it yet but have a question.
Smoking my first HG drumstick right now, actually my first lancero size ever.
Is a tight draw typical with these tiny ring g's?
I'm on the last third now and it's still just as tight.
I will answer my own question, there is no way that was normal or nobody would ever smoke them.
I somehow ended up with 2 super tight Crowned Heads in a row on Saturday. First the Drumstick which I posted above, then I pulled out a JD Howard and the same thing. Threw it away at the start of the last third. I tried to hang in there, but having inhaled my brains out trying to smoke the drumstick just an hour before, this JD never loosened up either.
I asked around and heard of some issues with the drumstick here and there but nothing with any of the others.
I have had C.H. cigars before (only 3 total before this, 2 four kicks, 1 HG) and didn't have a problem. Not sure how I got so unlucky as to get 2 bad ones on the same day.
As much as I know it was bad luck, I can't bring myself to pick anymore up for a while.
I started this thread really excited about the company, which I still am, and about trying a JD.
Finally got one and now I still have no idea how it tasted, after those 2 I had a headache, and after another few hours, after getting quite the alcohol buzz, smoked a My Father just to actually get a good pull of smoke so my Saturday wasn't totally shot...but didn't really enjoy the My Father like I normally would have. The draw on it was incredible, but by that time of night, it was colder outside, I was getting sleepy so I just blazed through it at warp speed so I could get in bed.
I guess if there is a point to this post, it's just that I still think Crowned Heads is an awesome company with a very cool concept.
I guess as a newbie, it brings to light for me, that this really is a hand made product, and the odds of someday getting 2 tight cigars in a row may or may not be the craziest thing to ever happen, but it's things like that for me, just luck of the draw, that will probably cause me to steer clear for a while.
But hey, more for you guys!