I have a cigar journal from warped cigars - I usually use it for any cigar that I am smoking for the first time especially, but sticks i've smoked a ton of as well. But I only do each cigar once (unless it's a different size or taste different enough to make a note of for aging purposes etc.) as it's not a log so much as it's more of a reference book for me.
Here is a old picture of what it looks like:
How many do you smoke a day?I don't journal or log per se but I do use excel for inventory. It's actually pretty easy to maintain once I built it. I have brand, size, date received/purchased/or box date if I have it and then the qty. I include a notes section but it's extremely simple e.g. Box worthy, fiver, don't buy again etc. when I purchase anything outside of a box, I put an individual band on it with the date and anything I want to capture. I do this for bombs especially so I can thank who sent them to me when I Smoke them. Is it more work, yes. Does it decrease my enjoyment, no. I don't overdo it and always know what I have and how old. I don't capture the humi location so I still get the surprises when I find something. I'm slightly OCD with a penchant for organization so I enjoy the process. I have just over 1,400 and it's not difficult to manage.
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Haha. I sometimes forget during the day but I keep all my bands so I just reduce the qty accordingly. Pretty easy to catch up when I forget.Impressive.
Oh, not that you smoke that much but that you keep track with smoking that much.![]()
I keep a spreadsheet of what's in my wineador, how I got it, how much I paid if I bought it, and MSRP if available. Once I smoke it, bomb it, or trade it I delete it from the list.Just wondering if any of you keep records of cigars? cigars purchased, traded, or smoked? I have a note book, and I photograph with my phone sticks I smoke, and what I think about it. I also keep records of what I receive from you, and purchase. I don't feel like a nerd, but my memory is spotty at best and I feel this will keep me from repurchasing cigars I don't like, and wasting money.