You got it right! Nothing better than getting my hands on them super htf cigars just so I can quickly turn around and double my money on my friends here in the community.
I think this is where you are off... they are not doubling their money on their friends.. they are doubling their money on strangers.. they are engaging in a business transaction.. its a shady one (albeit perfectly legal).. that I wont participate in... but I also dont buy used cars from "tote the note" car lots.. dont by viagra from internet pharmacies in china.. etc..
I dont let it piss me off every time I pass a used car lot on the side of the road though.. there are people that are willing to engage in this type of work.. and there are people more than willing to make purchases from them... thats their business.. Im not going to loose any sleep over it...
The best part is it makes these htf cigars harder and harder to find so you know what that means!!! More and more money we can get out of our "brothers"!!! (And by brothers I mean people that we refer to as friends unless we are talking business...then they are just buyers who have deep pockets and luckily for us they have not been able to find that cigar box they were dying for!)
Again, I dont think the normal purchaser of products way above MSRP are the people we commonly refer to as "brothers".. I think your second description is more accurate.. its just a "buyer" that is willing to pay for convenience.. he didnt have to go hunt, get on a list, make a dozen calls, etc.. and he is willing to pay stupid prices for someone else to do it for him...
No different than going into the local exxon tiger mart to buy a $5 gallon of milk.. instead of going to the grocery store and paying $3 for it... the tiger mart is more convenient.. so you pay the price..
Someone said it earlier this month on another board..:gougers will never understand why people think they are douchebags. I'll spell it out...people who gouge take advantage of people who were less fortunate in the hunt for cigars that we are all looking for. Make that precious money but don't be too shocked when the community turns it back to you.
I disagree.. I think they understand just fine... I just dont think they care.. again.. to them.. its just business... no different than the greasy used car salesman looking for the young, dumb, uneducated buyer that they can gouge the shit out of at the tote-the-note lot..
they know they have a reputation for being deuchebags..
they dont care..
otherwise they wouldnt engage in that type of business...
End sum for me is I dont buy above MSRP.. hell.. most of the time I dont buy at MSRP.. I look for deals on BOTL.. I check out the "clearance" pages on famous, CI, etc.. I buy from the "sale" section at my local B&M, etc.. I probably buy less than 20% of my sticks at full MSRP.. and thats only when I really want something.. or I know I wont have access to something again for a long time, etc..
But.. I dont let it piss me off when someone else does...
what they do with their time, and their money is their business..
I dont get mad at guys that scalp tickets to the superbowl for 5x the purchase price..
at the end of the day.. both the buyer and the seller are grown ups.. responsible for their own decisions... if one wants to live his life as a deuchebag.. and the other wants to pay a bazillion times too much for an item just because he can.. thats their business...