Holy crud this thread is growing by leaps and bounds!
Window and Sancho, we have different understandings of the laws. I'll have to go back to my reading material at home I guess.
Todd: I can see where you are coming from, but I guess it's a glass half full/empty type thing as well. I guess I just have a little more faith in my fellow man that I'm not going to be able to piss off the large percentage of folks out there enough that they'd want to kill me. See, it also has to do with how you view firearms, firearm safety and the like.
Believe it or not, I was taught my very basic beliefs on gun safety from my Grandmother ages ago. When in CA she used to carry a little 22 in her car. Even had to use it once. I grew up in NJ so needless to say, had little exposure to firearms until I left the state, but had always been fascinated by them. Anyway, that lesson from my grandmother was this: If you ever find yourself in the situation where you feel the need to pull a gun on someone, you better be ready to aim to kill and you better pull the trigger. If either of those two things are questionable in your mind you better not pull it.
On top of that, I see gun ownership as not ONLY a right, but a deep responsibility. If I thought it remotely possible that I could lose my temper far enough to pull a gun on someone I would have no business owning or carrying.
Think of it this way as well: Lots and lots of people carry pocket knives. They can do just as much damage in the situation you are talking about. Would it change your perception if you found out they were carrying a pocket knife as much?