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How many do you carry?

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Dec 12, 2004
Summit Point, WV
Jwrussell said:
Just as clarification, I wasn't trying to say that you didn't understand or know the law. I have a book that details the gun laws in FL at home. As much progress as we have made in some areas with gun laws, some are still much to vague, so I like to make absolutely sure I understand them and, more importantly, understand how they will be enforced.

I wouldn't have a loaded handgun out in the open (and that's how I read bolting a holster to the outside of a console) in my car almost no matter the circumstances. Regardless of if I was in the right or not, I just don't trust that I might end up pulled over for some reason by the wrong police officer who maybe doesn't understand, or chooses to misunderstand that portion of the law.

That being said, that set up sounds a heck of a lot easier to get to if needed than most.
No offense taken. My replies may seem "short" but that's only because I am trying to keep up with this thread between phone calls and people stopping by my office.
Also, just to clarify a few things:
I don't drink at all, I don't do drugs and rarely go to bars or dangerous parts of town. I'm a low profile, mild mannered fellow. I neither expect nor desire to ever have to use a firearm to defend myself. However, I do believe that I have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms and to use them to defend myself should the need ever arise. I have taken several training courses and practice regularly. Firearm safety is paramount.
Also, along those lines, I don't ever expect to have my house burn down, but I keep fire extinguishers around anyway.
When I'm away from my vehicle and there is a firearm inside, it is unloaded and locked in a box bolted under the passenger seat.
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Dec 18, 2004
Redwood City, CA
windowrx said:
You might be surprised to learn that there are many times more concealed carry permit holders in this country than there are law enforcement officers and that leo's are somewhere in the neighborhood of ten times more likely to commit a crime involving a firearm, including rape and murder, than non-leo's.
I'm not suprised at the first part. I'd like to see the statistics on the second part. Something non-bias.

I'm sure I've met people in my lifetime that have done horrible things, statistically it is very likely that I have met someone who was a murderer (or killed someone else somehow), drug dealer, drug user, etc. It's a wicked world.

But if I knew this information beforehand, I would steer clear. It is similar in the situation with weapons. If I knowingly have information that you carry a gun, myself and my family will not be put in that position, ever.


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Dec 6, 2004
fuente said:
Do countries that have stricter gun laws have MORE crime?
You betcha they do. You should take a look at the graph that shows the crime rate in England after they banned civilians from owning them. Wanna take a gander at which direction the line is going on the graph?


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Dec 6, 2004
That being said: I carry a Glock 23 or my newly acquired Taurus 2" .357 Magnum.

Todd: Believe it or not, in a heated situation that you keep describing...a person who is carrying is more apt to walk away from it due to the possibility of getting in a scuffle while armed.


BoM - July '05 & Dec. '10
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Dec 13, 2004
Jackson, MS
My dad used to be big into guns. Hell guns and a car dealer go hand in hand. He had a big ass safe to put them all in. And might I say, guns hold their value really well, just like cigars.

That being said, I could really care less if someone is carrying. 99.9% of the time you have no clue someone has a gun if you meet them. I never knew until Ken told me he carried. Not to mention all the hunters down here with shot guns in the trucks, etc. It's almost a way of life in the south.


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Dec 6, 2004
fuente said:
it was a good discussion. Shows how in different parts of the country there are different opinions on things.
I agree. I commend those that participated in the thread for not passing judgement and/or starting a flame war. Thumbs up.


2005 BoY
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Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
LMAO @ fuente's last comment.

I think my views on this stem from where most of my experience with firearms comes from. Walking around the woods with a rifle looking for signs of deer, sitting there freezing my ass off waiting for a deer, or sighting in the scopes at a DNR range. It just isn't natural for me to see someone at say McDonalds with a hand gun in their belt.

I 100% beliefve that it is their right to do so, although it is also a priveledge.

And yes, the fact that this discussion has remained civil is a true example of the brotherhood of this site.


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Dec 14, 2004
On Lake Cumberland Kentucky
I also commend everybody on here for the way this has been handled in a civil fashion.
And in honor of that I am using my own judgement and making it a sticky at least for awhile.

I do not think that this thread would of flowed as well or remained civil on any other board. :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause: :applause:


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
That's why it's called concealment and he/she obviously isn't very good at it.
I've got an interesting story regarding just that Mark, and I've been meaning to post it so thanks for the opening. Of course this is just a teaser because I have to jump off now! :lol: I'll post it tomorrow. Along with something else I've been wantint to say...

Texas Cop

Cavalry Scout
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Dec 12, 2004
Ft. Sham Houston, TX
Ohh..as to carrying and consuming alcohol in Texas....It's grounds for immediate revocation of your license, and possible felony conviction, depending upon your level of consumption. It is also illegal to carry a weapon on the premises of any business that recieves 51% or more of it's income from the sale of alcoholic beverages...



2005 BoY
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Dec 12, 2004
Springfield, VA
Texas Cop said:
Ohh..as to carrying and consuming alcohol in Texas....It's grounds for immediate revocation of your license, and possible felony conviction, depending upon your level of consumption. It is also illegal to carry a weapon on the premises of any business that recieves 51% or more of it's income from the sale of alcoholic beverages...

That makes perfect sense to me.
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