Jwrussell said:
Alrighty then. I said there was something I've been wanting to say, so here it is.
First I also want to comment on what a great thread this has been and how ubelievably civil it has been (considering the volatility of the subject matter). So, though I don't want to do anything to change that, I think the following needs to be addressed. And honestly, I think we are all intelligent and cool-headed enough to do so without trashing the thread. Please take what I'm about to bring up in the way it is meant, as a way to further the understanding between two groups with differing opinions. It is not a slam, nor is it an accusation.
Ok, now that all the disclaimers are out of the way! :wink:
Earlier in the thread the following was posted by Fuente:
And I've seen other posts in other places that echo some of this sentiment, and even on this thread I think there are a few others who feel somewhat the same. What I would like to ask, is for those that feel this way, to really think about what the above statement, or one like it, says. Or maybe what it seems to say to those who carry, or who believe in the right to carry/right to keep and bear. And that is, that no matter who we really are, you want nothing to do with us if we carry a gun. That there is something inherintly evil/dangerous about a firearm, that if we carry one makes us inherintly evil/dangerous. In other words, it changes us from whoever we might be to someone not to be trusted. Either that, or it says that if we carry a gun that we are not to be trusted because of our decision to carry a gun.
What I'm trying to understand is this: what about carrying a gun makes any of us someone not to be trusted around you or your family? What "position" are you trying to avoid?
Here's another way to look at it. Let's say you come to Tampa and happen to be in my neighborhood. I don't carry, but I own firearms and always have a loaded pistol in the house. Would this knowledge affect whether or not you would accept an invitation to my Florida room for a smoke and a drink? And if so why?
Please, please, PLEASE understand that I am asking these questions with the sincere wish to understand a differing viewpoint, not to put anyone on the spot or call them out in a negative way. I simply want to help to further my knowledge of how you see me (as a gun-owner) and your knowledge of who I am.
I don't have anything against anyone who carries. It is your right to do so and I respect that right. I also do not think you are any less trustworthy and I wouldn't look at YOU as a person any differently. However, if I knew that you were carrying a weapon, a weapon that could very easily and quickly kill someone, without know you, your background, mental state, training or anything else, it would make me very uncomfortable and I would not put my family anywhere near a situation like that.
Of course you could say that about a lot of things; a lot of things can cause death where people aren't necessarily trained properly. Let me put it thsi way:
I go to one of your houses for a herf. Someone brings a weapon. Why? Maybe for protection, maybe it's just habit, maybe to show it off. Ok, no problem. Now let's assume everyone brings their weapons. Here we have 50 guys with at least 50 weapons. Does a scenario like that make you feel more or less safe? Some of you will say more, but for me it would be the opposite.
For the above scenario, what if only half of these people are trained properly? What if some of them pick fights when they are drunk? What if some are not mentally stable? With a gun, it only takes one mistake to end a life; one misunderstanding.
It's great that those of you who own weapons go thru all the proper training and know exactly how to use them safely. If I knew you guys better and TRUSTED you, I probably would feel differently. But if I didn't know you from Adam and saw a weapon on your person, I'd be out of there, for the simple reason that it is so easy to get a gun in this country that many people are not qualified to own them.
It's nothing against the person, and it's as much my upbringing and my environment (raised where guns were nowhere to be found) as anything else.
It's just an uncomfortable, uneasy feeling I have around people I don't know carrying instruments of death.
BTW if you invited me to your house and I knew that your guns were locked up and away from any children, then sure, I'd be there !!!