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How many do you carry?

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April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
Yep, I'm good at that Mark! :wink:

Fuente, I think the fact that you've never handled a gun speaks volumes for how you feel. There's more to it than that, because I didn't feel awkward around them BEFORE I had handled them, and in fact was eager to do so, but it's still a big factor.

Great analogy on your work place. I'd like to say that knowing the people working there were properly trained I would feel comfortable, however, the real answer is probably more like this: I'd feel comfortable if I was taking the same precations as they were. So again, it comes down to experience with the subject matter.

Mark, no I don't ask. Honestly I'd never even think about it. But if you were in my house and leaned a certain way and printed I have to say I might be a little bit perturbed. Not so much that you were carrying, but that you didn't let me know. I would never walk into another person's house carrying without their permition.

As to the story, open carry is not permited in FL. So if you aren't concealed, it can be considered open carry. (as I understand it).
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Dec 18, 2004
Redwood City, CA
Jwrussell said:
Fuente, I think the fact that you've never handled a gun speaks volumes for how you feel. There's more to it than that, because I didn't feel awkward around them BEFORE I had handled them, and in fact was eager to do so, but it's still a big factor.
Absoulutely. It's probably the biggest factor.

As for feeling safe around the stuff I work with, well, I never feel safe and neither do the people who actually handle the stuff; because as soon as you start to feel comfortable, that's when you can make a mistake.

Not EXACTLY the same thing with a weapon, but close, for me at least.


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Dec 12, 2004
Texas Cop said:
I'll just jump in to touch on a couple of the previous posts here...

First off, in VA, you have to carry open in restraunts? That's pretty f-ed up...Anybody link me to the news stories/state rulings on this stuff, I'm curious..
yes that is correct. i think vcdl.org has good info (site is down now) try goodle gun restaurant ban VA.

Texas Cop said:
Second, there is a 9y/o child in my household, and there firearms. 2 are loaded, pistol in the bedside safe, shotgun in the closet with a 'lifejacket' on it, and everything else is in a strong box with various types of locking devices on them..The aforementioned 9y/o has also fired ever weapon in this house (except the 12ga. and the .338 for obvious reasons), and he has been shown repeatedly the proper way to handle firearms, and knows exactly what to do should he ever come across one.

Lastly, as to being uncomfortable around persons carrying firearms...Take a look at how many Americans have been killed by motor vehicles and compare it to the number of Americans killed by firearms (I'll give you a hint, more Americans have died by motor vehicle since 1907, than have died in every armed conflict fought by America since 1776)...

all good points. my wife is pregnant with our first son. Everything I have is locked up. I will be investing in a better safe that has a combination and key (the one I have now is just a key..not the best) and do plan on educating him on firearm safety and the responsibiliteis of having one in the house.
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Dec 18, 2004
Redwood City, CA
1f1fan said:
my wife is pregnant with our first son. Everything I have is locked up. I will be investing in a better safe that has a combination and key (the one I have now is just a key..not the best) and do plan on educating him on firearm safety and the responsibiliteis of having one in the house.
Congrats on the baby on the way !! You'll definately need something more than a key lock; my son is not even 2 and he has already figured out how to open my mini with the key !!!
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Dec 18, 2004
just remembered, there's one Gulf Coast Herf in New Orleans where only 1 or 2 will be packin'...one of 'em will be an off duty Peace Officer...

Texas Cop

Cavalry Scout
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Dec 12, 2004
Ft. Sham Houston, TX
F1, the pistol safe that I use has a finger pad combination and a key backup in case the battery dies (I change it every 2months to be safe)...I cannot recall the maker, but if you are interested, I can do some research for you..



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Dec 12, 2004
Texas Cop said:
F1, the pistol safe that I use has a finger pad combination and a key backup in case the battery dies (I change it every 2months to be safe)...I cannot recall the maker, but if you are interested, I can do some research for you..


I do have a small safe like the one you describe....its the one that holds the AR-15 I'm worried about!

Texas Cop

Cavalry Scout
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Dec 12, 2004
Ft. Sham Houston, TX
Gotcha....If you want to keep it accessible, those life-jacket style locks (they encompass the reciever and trigger housing) seem to work well, and the locks are easy to manipulate...I've got one on the shotgun..


Texas Cop

Cavalry Scout
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Dec 12, 2004
Ft. Sham Houston, TX
In Texas, the minute you step on my property, I can use deadly force. It may take some explaining to a grand jury, but it can be done. You can also use deadly force against anybody stealing your property, if you feel that is the only way for you to recover your property...

There are 7 words that no grand jury in Texas will dispute 'I was in fear for my life'


Texas Cop

Cavalry Scout
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Dec 12, 2004
Ft. Sham Houston, TX
In Texas, the minute you step on my property, I can use deadly force. It may take some explaining to a grand jury, but it can be done. You can also use deadly force against anybody stealing your property, if you feel that is the only way for you to recover your property...

There are 7 words that no grand jury in Texas will dispute 'I was in fear for my life'


edit: not advocating you shoot anybody that happens to be on your property, like the neighbor who is letting their dog shit in your grass..Merely expressing the vast grey area of the laws as written..
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Dec 18, 2004
'I was in fear for my life'

followed by, for me, I was just trying to stop him; I'm not that good of a shot


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Dec 12, 2004
Good advice if anyone has to defend themself.

"I was in frear for my life"

"I was just trying to stop the threat"

I would like to add:

If questioned in detail by police please make sure you follow that by "I am going to co-operate however, I just had a very traumatic experience and wish to excersise my right to silence until I have an attorney present"

In clear cases of self defense this should not be a big issue, but you can't be too careful.


April '05 BoM
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Dec 12, 2004
Tampa, FL
I would sure as shit hope not! If it does there is yet another HUGE problem with the system! Of course, then again, pleading the 5th is also supposed to be a neutral statement.

FWIW, no way I wouldn't IMMEDIATELY request an attourney.
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