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Sep 8, 2013
Brooklyn, NY, USA
Free & single at 24?!?!
The world is your oyster! As many have said, explore and find someplace that has MOST of what you like/want (I don't think that you'll find EVERYTHING)! You'll always be able to visit "home".
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Jul 22, 2014
West Columbia, SC
Sc!! Mild winters compared to what you r use to. A little warm in summer( normal is around 90) but I love living here. Don't move to Nc them people can't drive..... sorry matt. Lol
Come on Rockhill is practically NC. Just kidding Dale. I like SC as well granted it gets a little hotter in Columbia, but there is a ton of stuff to do. It's a college town so the night life is pretty good if you're into that. We also have Lake Murray, and a couple good size rivers that cut through. About an hour and a half drive to Charleston which if it was me is where I would go but, I'm an ocean guy.
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Jan 25, 2015
Consider TN..

Very low tuition rates... No state income tax... Very low cost of living... Very much "pro gun"...

Mild winters... Hot, but not horrible summers...

Low tobacco tax (B&Ms are actually affordable here)..

And lots of BOTL in the area...
I agree completely. I have lived all over the country and Tennessee is something special.


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
Tennessee has a variety as well. It's a whole different world between Memphis and Nashville
Care to elaborate? The more info, the merrier.

Im in the same boat as you. 22, thinking of leaving the Communist state of NY. Think I've decided on Kentucky
Mind sharing how you landed on KY?

NC brother!
Sc!! Mild winters compared to what you r use to. A little warm in summer( normal is around 90) but I love living here. Don't move to Nc them people can't drive..... sorry matt. Lol
The Carolinas are high on the list as well, at least from a theoretical standpoint. I've never actually been to either.

Considering tuition costs (in state vs out of state..)
Univ of Wisconsin - Grad program = $5.9K per semester (in state)
Univ of Wisconsin - Law program = $10.7K per semester (in state)

Univ of TN - Grad program = $15K per semester (out of state)
Univ of TN - Grad program = $5.8K per semester (in state)
Univ of TN - Law Program = $18.8K per semester (out of state)
Univ of TN - Law Program = $9.5K per semester (in state)

You can obtain in state status after one year of residency in the state.

So, year 1 would be pretty expensive by comparison to going to a school in your home state.. but after that, the costs are pretty close..

The big savings is in cost of living...

For example.. Madison, WI vs. Knoxville, TN...

Housing is 27% cheaper in Knoxville
Groceries are 15% cheaper in Knoxville
Utilities are 10% cheaper in Knoxville
Transportation is 20% cheaper in Knoxville
Healthcare is 24% cheaper in Knoxville..

a $41K annual salary in Knoxville, roughly equates to making $50K in Madison...

So.. the additional money you pay in the first year of school in tuition.. you would likely make most of that back up in cost of living (your apartment would be cheaper, your utilities would be cheaper, your groceries would be cheaper, etc..)..

And every year after that (once you obtain in state status) would be considerably cheaper on you in TN..

Assuming you went on and moved in the fall of 2015.. you would be a resident before you started class in 2016.. and the in state vs. out of state issue is moot.. both cost of living.. and tuition would be cheaper than staying in WI..

And.. if you come here... I can take you to the range.. and teach you how to shoot... :D

As far as the quality of the school/education.. Univ of TN isnt exactly Duke or Georgetown... but.. its a good school.. Its MBA program was ranked 65th in the country last year.. and its law school was ranked 72nd..

When you consider that there are 202 ABA law schools in the US.. and probably another couple of hundred non ABA schools (not sure how many non ABA there are.. but there are lots).. That puts UT roughly in the top 25%...

There are thousands of MBA programs in the US.. so... being #65 aint too shabby all things considered... if you decide to go the business school route..
Tuition will be expensive, regardless. But, the beauty of Grad school (not sure on Law school, though I wouldn't be surprised if similar tactics were used) is that a lot of them will waive the out-of-state rates in an attempt to snag you.
Plus, TN has the whole "patron state of shooting stuff" thing going for it. :)


Closer To The Sun
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Feb 2, 2015
Key West
But does TN have tournaments where you go on the boat and use shotguns to shoot flying fish or is that just a Key Weird thing :rolleyes:


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
But does TN have tournaments where you go on the boat and use shotguns to shoot flying fish or is that just a Key Weird thing :rolleyes:
I think thats a Keys sort of thing :)

that said.. TN has the NRA National Convention this year... :D

Has so many firearms training schools/institutions I've lost count...

A huge number of lakes.. and is well known for its hunting and fishing..


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
Nashville is nicer I'd say. I love Memphis. Other than my time at the University of Arkansas I've lived here my whole life. But I'd still say Nashville is just a nicer place.
I lived in Memphis for the better part of 35 years...

Nashville is nicer


(although you cant beat Memphis BBQ.. or Delta Blues... Memphis is a city with soul... which is something many parts of the country are without...)...
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Jan 15, 2015
Honestly, TN has been near/at the top of my list for a while now, but I was never able to qualify it for anything beyond really basic reasons. Beautiful: check. Mild winters, but all four seasons: check. Pro-gun: check. Some major schools: check.

Beyond that, and my two trips to Gatlinburg, I didn't (and still don't) really know anything about the area.

But I still like it.
TN or Texas is where I would go if I ever left NC. However, I love living here. If you live in the heart of the state you are about four hours from the beach and the mountains. Raleigh/Durham area is nationally known for their food scene. Durham and Chapel Hill have decent music scenes. The Durham PErforming Arts Center plays host to many Broad Way level shows every year. There are three major colleges less than thirty minutes from each other. Taxes are reasonable with the exception of Orange County. The area has been ranked as having one of the highest concentrations of people with bachelor's degrees and post secondary degrees, it ranks high on the scale for racial diversity and economic diversity. Plus, the average winter temperatures are in the 40s. We get less than three inches of snow most years. The summers usually see a week or two near 100 but the average is closer to 90 during the "dog days."
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Dec 13, 2014
I lived in Memphis for the better part of 35 years...

Nashville is nicer


(although you cant beat Memphis BBQ.. or Delta Blues... Memphis is a city with soul... which is something many parts of the country are without...)...
Yea, Memphis has it's positives for sure. And as I said I love it. But the other side of the state is just nicer.


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Feb 2, 2015
Carlton,MN Western End of Lake Superior
I find that I could not live anywhere that did not have winter. When I was in the service I spent the winter in Augusta, Georgia and hated it. It was so damp and if it cooled down you got chilled to the bone. You are young so going to school for 4 years is a decent amount of time for you to decide if the climate is better. Good luck and enjoy the journey. You are only young once so have fun!!


BoM July '13
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Jan 3, 2010
At this point, I'm hoping to obliterate the LSAT so I can give Vanderbilt $300k and I can hang out in Nashville.

Seems feasible, right?
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Jan 5, 2011
Dallas, TX
I think that just about every state will require you to have established residency for at least a whole year before you are allowed to qualify for in-state tuition. And if you move to a new state explicitly for school, there are a bunch of other hoops to jump through to gain in-state tuition.

Pick a state with no income tax. Those states generally have lower costs of living, are predominantly in the south (good weather) low, if any, tobacco taxes are gun friendly.

I moved to Texas from Maryland. Life is soooooo much better here.


Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
At this point, I'm hoping to obliterate the LSAT so I can give Vanderbilt $300k and I can hang out in Nashville.

Seems feasible, right?
How would you feel about working as a customer service rep for the next year or so to establish your TN residency? I know of an awesome (cigar friendly) company in the Nashville area that may be looking for one in the near future.


BoM June 13
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May 28, 2010
San Diego, Ca
Or you could move to San Diego, and start changing what you think about California... flip flops year round. Highs in the 90s, lows in the 60s, and humidity only goes over 50% when it rains. I don't know if this trick works for residency anymore, but I've also got a "...guest room you've been living in for the past year. "

Edit: and did I mention "In-N-Out pairs well with all the beer we got lying around here?"