Almost 3 years and I've never heard that. Haha. But I'm gonna use it, cause it's true in my experience as well!Someone just said something at my morning meeting that I hadn't heard before: "AA is a fellowship that comforts us when we're disturbed, and disturbs us when we're comfortable." Love it.Hope everyone has an awesome, sober day...j
I love those little "AAisms". Like "Dont dont anything dramatic the first year of sobriety. But change everything"Someone just said something at my morning meeting that I hadn't heard before: "AA is a fellowship that comforts us when we're disturbed, and disturbs us when we're comfortable." Love it.Hope everyone has an awesome, sober day...j
One of my favorites: "God can move mountains...but you better bring your shovel!"I love those little "AAisms".
Holy crap man, we were just talking about meeting theatrics and fisticuffs! It was definitely in bad form for him to behave the way he did. I pray I'd do the right thing if put in the same situation, but I suck at verbal judo.Well @ZippoGeek should like this one. I was really in top of my game this morning. Good meditation, great morning with my son, in a really good mood. Then, at my home group, I sit down as the secretary of the meeting to go over the format with this week's chairperson. I explain the part about reading something from the big book. Some people, rather than reading themselves, will ask a friend to join them at the table and do a reading, which this morning's chair had elected to do. His friend to do the reading them informed me that he would not be reading from the big book, but something else he had selected. I try to ask him to please choose a topic from the big book, and showed him the written format where it states that a reading is to come from the big book with no mention of anything else, but he immediately becomes argumentative. He then tells me, "fuck you, I've been sober 28 years I can read whatever the fuck I want." So I stand up and say, "fuck you, chair your own fucking meeting. I don't need to be cursed at for asking you to follow the fucking group conscious." And I stormed off to the back of the room. This happened two minutes prior to the start of the meeting, and a ton of people saw me blow up. I was extremely self-righteously angry. My poisoned thoughts tell me, "How dare he think that the traditions and group conscious don't apply to him? How dare he treat a trusted servant this way? What a pathetic example of shitty sobriety!" I texted my sponsor, who gave me just what I needed. He says "Progress, not perfection, we are not saints. "This is a sick man. How can I be helpful to him? God save me from being angry. Thy will be done." Or my favourite resentment prayer, 'god bless (him), god bless me, god bless him, god bless me'. Put god between you and him, until you mean it."
I immediately knew that, no matter how much of a turd this guy is, I'm the one who blew up. I'm the one who is fuming angry. I'm the one who owes an apology. So I did. After the meeting, we hugged it out, I apologized to all those who sat at the table up front, and didn't try to convince anyone how wrong the other guy is. I just admitted my fault and apologized. What else can I do?
I realize that the quality of my sobriety, today, doesn't mean that I won't have a reaction to something like this. I started beating myself up in the way home, thinking that if this is the way I act when people do something other than what I think they should be doing, my sobriety is really shitty. But that's not true. I did my best to pray about it, make, amends, talk to others, etc and let go. So I guess I'm not doing too bad. Progress, not perfection. Practicing love and tolerance with myself. Living life on the enlightenment installment plan, one day at a time.
Ha. We all have days like that. Infact, iv had a week like it. Then i go to a meeting tonight and was reminded that this is a program of action. Id been stalling on dealing with part of my ninth (cause you know AAs never procrastinate) and it had gotten the better of me. There i am walking around for a week in a fog and there i just needed to be reminded (by some some guy counting days none the lest) that its progress, not perfection. Dealt with my amends amd wouldnt you know i feel great!Well @ZippoGeek should like this one. I was really in top of my game this morning. Good meditation, great morning with my son, in a really good mood. Then, at my home group, I sit down as the secretary of the meeting to go over the format with this week's chairperson. I explain the part about reading something from the big book. Some people, rather than reading themselves, will ask a friend to join them at the table and do a reading, which this morning's chair had elected to do. His friend to do the reading them informed me that he would not be reading from the big book, but something else he had selected. I try to ask him to please choose a topic from the big book, and showed him the written format where it states that a reading is to come from the big book with no mention of anything else, but he immediately becomes argumentative. He then tells me, "fuck you, I've been sober 28 years I can read whatever the fuck I want." So I stand up and say, "fuck you, chair your own fucking meeting. I don't need to be cursed at for asking you to follow the fucking group conscious." And I stormed off to the back of the room. This happened two minutes prior to the start of the meeting, and a ton of people saw me blow up. I was extremely self-righteously angry. My poisoned thoughts tell me, "How dare he think that the traditions and group conscious don't apply to him? How dare he treat a trusted servant this way? What a pathetic example of shitty sobriety!" I texted my sponsor, who gave me just what I needed. He says "Progress, not perfection, we are not saints. "This is a sick man. How can I be helpful to him? God save me from being angry. Thy will be done." Or my favourite resentment prayer, 'god bless (him), god bless me, god bless him, god bless me'. Put god between you and him, until you mean it."
I immediately knew that, no matter how much of a turd this guy is, I'm the one who blew up. I'm the one who is fuming angry. I'm the one who owes an apology. So I did. After the meeting, we hugged it out, I apologized to all those who sat at the table up front, and didn't try to convince anyone how wrong the other guy is. I just admitted my fault and apologized. What else can I do?
I realize that the quality of my sobriety, today, doesn't mean that I won't have a reaction to something like this. I started beating myself up in the way home, thinking that if this is the way I act when people do something other than what I think they should be doing, my sobriety is really shitty. But that's not true. I did my best to pray about it, make, amends, talk to others, etc and let go. So I guess I'm not doing too bad. Progress, not perfection. Practicing love and tolerance with myself. Living life on the enlightenment installment plan, one day at a time.