I hope the doctors and you can get this sorted out, Mike.
Today I just fought through it.
Vestibular Therapy x 18 minutes
Reverse Drop Set - > drop set bicep curls 1x 12-8-10
Triceps Kick Back 1x15
Revers Drop Set Curls 1x12 - 7
Standing incline chest fly/ incline press super set (resistance tube low anchor) 1x8 - 10
Various back rows that I didn't really track
Kettlebell floor press/skull crusher/ pullover giant set 2x8 - 10 - 12
I cut back the vestibular time and did some of the exercises between "sets" of vestibular therapy. Now I am exhausted and feel like I'm recovering from hill sprints with a side order of cranial pressure and dizziness.