Not really. I was using resistance tubes rated at 8lbs per arm. 45 minutes later and I'm dizzy, I'm sleepy, my vision is blurry, and I am seriously nauseous. The fucked up part is that it doesn't feel like over exertion. It isn't the I ran a marathon type of feeling or the feeling when you short circuit your nervous system by going for 1rm on all three lifts. It is like your body trying to shut down because your brain and muscles aren't communicating in the middle of a bout of vertigo, and your thoughts are disjointed because the synapses aren't making connections.
I just don't care anymore. I can't keep hanging around all day doing jack shit besides watching podcast and vlogs while occasionally going out to eat or reading a book. So, I'm walking at least .5 miles on a trail that has several elevation changes and I'm going to do some form of resistance training daily.
Now I'm off to vestibular therapy with the PT and then we'll see. I've gotten to the point I'm ready to run myself in to the ground. Either get stronger or blow it all up.