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Today's workout

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Mar 8, 2022
Yesterday evening I decided I would do pushups every twenty minutes except when I was smoking. I woke up around four this morning with both pecs cramping and my elbows throbbing.

Today I did 10 minute back and called it a day.
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Mar 8, 2022
Chest is still tight and arms are sore.

20 minutes of back and shoulder work. I was taking more breaks than usual to monitor PCS symptoms.

I'm waiting until after lunch for my walk. I've run out of medicine for my concussion and want to see how things go. If the symptoms blow up I rather be inside where I can discreetly and safely deal with it.
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Mar 8, 2022
5 point carries, 1 minute in each position, 2 rounds non stop = 10 minutes

Waiter carries & Frankenstein carries, 30 seconds each, three rounds = 4 minutes 30 seconds

14 minutes and 30 seconds of continuous 20 pound carries. A few extra seconds to get back to the resting spot.
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Mar 8, 2022
Call me crazy or call me stupid. I'm not sure which one it is.

I stopped by a friend's house today and his son was talking about how he wants to be an Army Ranger when he graduates high school next year. His fitness is no where near on par. So, I goaded him in to a workout challenge. I'm not in Ranger shape, but I knew I could push him to the limit.

We did a bunch of shit. I was throwing up in a five gallon bucket about half way through. By the end I was leaning against the wall to stop from falling down. My concussion symptoms were/are kicking my ass. In the end he won, but I knew he would. (He isn't out of shape compared to most kids.) He was laying on the floor begging to quit before I called it though.

I had to pull over on the way home and puke. Then I just sat in the car for about twenty minutes afterwards because my brain wouldn't brain. Even after an hour long nap I still feel like the first day after my concussion.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Mike, that's awful, especially since I assume you were hoping he'd take the challenge and understand he better train hard the next year if he wants a shot at being a Ranger. I hope the effects pass soon for you.

I almost feel stupid complaining after reading your post. Good news is the chest "rehab" is going well and I'm continuing to add weight back on. But now my hip is bothering me, I'm assuming from all the cycling for cardio. Stubborn ass I usually am, I'd just power through it again Wednesday. But with the experience of age and everything taking longer to heal, I'll probably just train light legs Wednesday (unless I have a miraculous recovery by then, lol()

Back and bis today, added weight on the back stuff and the shoulder felt stable through the whole range of motion. So more good news than bad.

Again Mike, I hope you feel better as quickly as possible.
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Mar 8, 2022
Mike, that's awful, especially since I assume you were hoping he'd take the challenge and understand he better train hard the next year if he wants a shot at being a Ranger. I hope the effects pass soon for you.

I almost feel stupid complaining after reading your post. Good news is the chest "rehab" is going well and I'm continuing to add weight back on. But now my hip is bothering me, I'm assuming from all the cycling for cardio. Stubborn ass I usually am, I'd just power through it again Wednesday. But with the experience of age and everything taking longer to heal, I'll probably just train light legs Wednesday (unless I have a miraculous recovery by then, lol()

Back and bis today, added weight on the back stuff and the shoulder felt stable through the whole range of motion. So more good news than bad.

Again Mike, I hope you feel better as quickly as possible.
The point was to show him what hard training feels like and to push through. I wanted him to see that there is something beyond the point you call failure or exhaustion.

I've done something similar with young guys I work with. When it is over I always ask, "you ever have a workout like that before?" They always say, no. Then I let them know that the point was never the competition, it was showing them they can do things they've never imagined, much less tried. When they think they have to quit, there is still more left. I'll break myself to build them up.

Somebody always has it worse. That doesn't mean we can't feel bad about our own problems. I'm glad your shoulder is coming along well. Now put some Bengay on that hip old man. :ROFLMAO: