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Today's workout


Outlaw Hockey Biker
Rating - 97.9%
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Sep 6, 2005
So much for taking it easy on cardio. Increased my ride to 45.5 minutes, but also upped the difficulty level by 3. Heavy leg presses afterwards. And the hip and all else was better afterwards, and still better this morning.

Back and bis after my coffee.
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Mar 8, 2022
Set a round timer for twenty minutes and hit start.

Pick a super set and do two or three sets with 30 seconds of rest between sets. Then go about life until the timer goes off again. When the timer goes off, pick a new superset and do it again. I figured this would give me 14 - 16 minutes between exercises and minimize the chances of becoming overly symptomatic. I was able to complete 12 rounds with about 32 total supersets.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
Rating - 97.9%
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Sep 6, 2005
Mike, sounds like a helluva workout? How are you feeling today?

Back went well, weights are getting back to where they were before the shoulder got hurt. I'll toss in biceps with my chest/shoulder rep-fest this morning.
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Mar 8, 2022
Not my best effort, but sometimes you just give what ya got.

Feeling better, but really dragging. Had a lot of driving yesterday after the working out. So, I used up all of yesterday's reserves and part of today's.

I've also been eating like a beast since my workout fiasco. Yesterday I had three eggs with three tablespoons of sumac onions and Fresno peppers, plus four pieces of lightly fried roast beef sandwich meat for breakfast. Then like two hours later I ate two chili rellenos, by the end of the day I was over 3000 calories easy.

This morning I had the same breakfast with 1/2 a cup of almonds and a hand full of my kid's Fritos.
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Mar 8, 2022
Took Saturday off and will probably take Sunday off. I got my COVID, Flu, and Pneumonia vaccines at the same time Friday. I feel like I got hit by a truck. It feels like the worst hangover I ever had, combined with a max effort testing day, and toss in chills like a flu. I know I should sleep, but I can't sleep because everything is too sore to get comfortable and relax.

Next time I'll have to spread those bitches out.


Outlaw Hockey Biker
Rating - 97.9%
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Sep 6, 2005
I got the Flu and RSV together a couple weeks ago and didn't have any issues, Mike. Decided against another Covid booster at this point.

Crushed the cardio and legs yesterday, hip and groin are definitely better. On the flip side, shoulder is a bit sore again. Can't win for losing.
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Mar 8, 2022
I got the Flu and RSV together a couple weeks ago and didn't have any issues, Mike. Decided against another Covid booster at this point.

Crushed the cardio and legs yesterday, hip and groin are definitely better. On the flip side, shoulder is a bit sore again. Can't win for losing.
I got all three because I've been taking my dad to the ED and doctors because of his cancer. I wanted to minimize chances of passing something along. I knew the Covid vax would knock me on my ass. It does every time. But, luckily this time it was only two days.

Today's work is about the same as the last couple.

Set a repeating timer for twenty minutes and every time it goes off get up, do a tri-set once or superset twice. Do that for 160 minutes.

One set was weighted kettlebell carries. Suitcase, front rack, waiter, two hand low, and two hand high. Most were performed walking 53 feet forward and then 53 feet backwards. The waiter carries were 53 feet and then change hands.
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Mar 8, 2022

20 two hand KB swings
5 per side KB clean and press (10 total)
5 pushups

So it goes 20 - 10 - 5 or half as many reps with each exercise. It is supposed to be five rounds, but all the bending and simulated falling on my face started messing with my brain. I did one round after doing 30 second static holds with the weight for nine minutes. Before that was twenty stiff leg deadlifts.

This afternoon I plan on trying for one round every twenty minutes. Maybe I'll just go walk. We'll see how the energy feels.
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Outlaw Hockey Biker
Rating - 97.9%
55   1   0
Sep 6, 2005
I understand, Mike, good on you for protecting your father and others.

Back and bis yesterday, hit it extra hard as it was my last back workout for a week. Chest, shoulders and tris for reps today.
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Mar 8, 2022
5 pushups
5 Kettlebell overhead press / side (10 total)
15 Kettlebell pullovers
20 two hand kettlebell swings
Aim for 3:30 or less total time (fastest was 3:10)
5 rounds

I shortened my time down to fifteen minutes but the symptoms flared up. So, tomorrow I'll probably go back to twenty or just walk.
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