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Viaje Stuffed Turkey


BoM January 2010
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Aug 22, 2008
St. Paul, MN
There are tons of 60-ring cigars these days, been a trend for like 2-3 years now. It used to be only RP had big fatties like that. NUB definitely had a huge impact on the industry in offering shorter fat-ring sticks. I tend not to be into the thicker rings as I find it often mutes the flavors, but there are exceptions.

This isn't the first short & fat Viaje ... heck, it's not the 6th even.


BoM August 2010/2011
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Dec 5, 2009
There is no denying that most of what Andre brings to the table marketing wise is someone elses concept (usually Petes) with enough of a twist so that it is not a direct rip off. I used to go after his smokes in the beginning but as of late I do not bother for a couple reasons. The biggest reason is a lot of what he has had to offer as of late (the last year or so) has been green and needs to be sat on for a good bit before they became/become smokeable for me. I do not like spending $10-$12+ for smokes that I need to stash away for 6+ months so that I can enjoy them. Too much competition in that price point and most of the competition I know I can snag a box and go home and start smoking it right of way. The second biggest reason I am losing interest is if you talk to most of the big guys in the industry they have nothing but negative things to say about him and a lot of them feel he is not interested in the industry other than making a quick buck. In most industries that would be forgivable but in the cigar industry which is always under attack we need manufacturers who are interested in the longevity of the industry. If you were to go back a year or so guys absolutely loved the brand and chased the latest release like it was their job. As time goes by I myself am seeing more and more guys just not giving a crap about it for one reason or another. Hell my local still has Summerfest from last year, MOAB, WMD etc. The one line that he has had the most success with in my opinion is the S&B but even than guys are losing interest simply because he keeps going to the well way to often with it and half of the offerings were a swing and a miss. I think guys are just finally starting to see through the gimmicks and are moving on so I too agree with those who feel that he will be gone from the industry in a year or two. In my opinion his smokes are just too hit and miss as of late and at that price point you need to make sure most of them are homeruns. I know it has been said that he based the brands to be mostly short runs and limiteds but if your going to go that route at least make sure the smokes your releasing are smokeable at the time of release but I guess when you need to stick to a schedule to make money than you need to rush things to market whether they are ready or not. I always had more respect for the guys who had a timeline for a release but than delayed it because the line was not ready yet. Hell I completely ignored this last S&B and 50/50 release and I can snag as much as my heart desires. Guys are always comparing him to Pete but in my mind they are not even in the same league. I think the comparison just always comes from the fact that most of what Andre comes up with is a direct rip off of something Pete has come up with. Hell even the latest S&B Black band is a ripoff of the RP Vudu in my opinion.
Can I get a couple of breaks....paragraphs, please! :razz:


Navin R Johnson
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83   0   0
Dec 14, 2010
On A Plane
There is no denying that most of what Andre brings to the table marketing wise is someone elses concept (usually Petes) with enough of a twist so that it is not a direct rip off. I used to go after his smokes in the beginning but as of late I do not bother for a couple reasons. The biggest reason is a lot of what he has had to offer as of late (the last year or so) has been green and needs to be sat on for a good bit before they became/become smokeable for me. I do not like spending $10-$12+ for smokes that I need to stash away for 6+ months so that I can enjoy them. Too much competition in that price point and most of the competition I know I can snag a box and go home and start smoking it right of way. The second biggest reason I am losing interest is if you talk to most of the big guys in the industry they have nothing but negative things to say about him and a lot of them feel he is not interested in the industry other than making a quick buck. In most industries that would be forgivable but in the cigar industry which is always under attack we need manufacturers who are interested in the longevity of the industry. If you were to go back a year or so guys absolutely loved the brand and chased the latest release like it was their job. As time goes by I myself am seeing more and more guys just not giving a crap about it for one reason or another. Hell my local still has Summerfest from last year, MOAB, WMD etc. The one line that he has had the most success with in my opinion is the S&B but even than guys are losing interest simply because he keeps going to the well way to often with it and half of the offerings were a swing and a miss. I think guys are just finally starting to see through the gimmicks and are moving on so I too agree with those who feel that he will be gone from the industry in a year or two. In my opinion his smokes are just too hit and miss as of late and at that price point you need to make sure most of them are homeruns. I know it has been said that he based the brands to be mostly short runs and limiteds but if your going to go that route at least make sure the smokes your releasing are smokeable at the time of release but I guess when you need to stick to a schedule to make money than you need to rush things to market whether they are ready or not. I always had more respect for the guys who had a timeline for a release but than delayed it because the line was not ready yet. Hell I completely ignored this last S&B and 50/50 release and I can snag as much as my heart desires. Guys are always comparing him to Pete but in my mind they are not even in the same league. I think the comparison just always comes from the fact that most of what Andre comes up with is a direct rip off of something Pete has come up with. Hell even the latest S&B Black band is a ripoff of the RP Vudu in my opinion.
Holy run-on sentence batman!

This Text Wall needs its own Gipper to demand some tearing down!


Navin R Johnson
Rating - 100%
83   0   0
Dec 14, 2010
On A Plane
This thread completely lost all entertainment and banter value when I read 4x60... MU called it on that one. I can ignore this thread now.
Unfotunately... have to agree here. So now that I've added my two useless posts, interest level is down to zero. Sorry for no new info OP...
Rating - 100%
86   0   0
Aug 7, 2010
Conshohocken, PA
There is no denying that most of what Andre brings to the table marketing wise is someone elses concept (usually Petes) with enough of a twist so that it is not a direct rip off. I used to go after his smokes in the beginning but as of late I do not bother for a couple reasons. The biggest reason is a lot of what he has had to offer as of late (the last year or so) has been green and needs to be sat on for a good bit before they became/become smokeable for me. I do not like spending $10-$12+ for smokes that I need to stash away for 6+ months so that I can enjoy them. Too much competition in that price point and most of the competition I know I can snag a box and go home and start smoking it right of way. The second biggest reason I am losing interest is if you talk to most of the big guys in the industry they have nothing but negative things to say about him and a lot of them feel he is not interested in the industry other than making a quick buck. In most industries that would be forgivable but in the cigar industry which is always under attack we need manufacturers who are interested in the longevity of the industry. If you were to go back a year or so guys absolutely loved the brand and chased the latest release like it was their job. As time goes by I myself am seeing more and more guys just not giving a crap about it for one reason or another. Hell my local still has Summerfest from last year, MOAB, WMD etc. The one line that he has had the most success with in my opinion is the S&B but even than guys are losing interest simply because he keeps going to the well way to often with it and half of the offerings were a swing and a miss. I think guys are just finally starting to see through the gimmicks and are moving on so I too agree with those who feel that he will be gone from the industry in a year or two. In my opinion his smokes are just too hit and miss as of late and at that price point you need to make sure most of them are homeruns. I know it has been said that he based the brands to be mostly short runs and limiteds but if your going to go that route at least make sure the smokes your releasing are smokeable at the time of release but I guess when you need to stick to a schedule to make money than you need to rush things to market whether they are ready or not. I always had more respect for the guys who had a timeline for a release but than delayed it because the line was not ready yet. Hell I completely ignored this last S&B and 50/50 release and I can snag as much as my heart desires. Guys are always comparing him to Pete but in my mind they are not even in the same league. I think the comparison just always comes from the fact that most of what Andre comes up with is a direct rip off of something Pete has come up with. Hell even the latest S&B Black band is a ripoff of the RP Vudu in my opinion.
Well said
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4   0   0
Feb 8, 2011
Who really cares whos copying who? It happens every day in every thing. dont they say Imitation is the highest form of flattery?

Who cares if he doesn't roll or blend his own cigars? As long as someone that knows what they're doing does. It is possible to be just a manager in this industry. Maybe he knows what his strengths and weakness are and rolling or blending is not one. If you put out a good product who cares.

Pete and Andre both make good products. Who really cares about eh rest of it, its just internet fodder.

Make a good cigar Ill smoke it.

and yeah 5 pages and I still have no idea what this cigar is supposed to be, so OP sorry about that too.

where was there a mention of a 4x60 that was more then a joke?<-----nm saw it now

Meh. I've said it once and Ill say it again Andre needs to get back to making normal sized cigars. As much as I like Viaje In getting a little tired of paying 10+ for a Nub.
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Rating - 96.7%
32   1   0
Jan 29, 2011
I could care less at this point what he calls his sticks. At this point what can you name a cigar without eventually copying someone or something else? He could call this new cigar dog sh*t wrapped with a cellophane Maduro wrapper and I would probably smoke it anyways. He makes good sticks, period. SmOke and enjoy.
Rating - 100%
62   0   0
Oct 31, 2009
Viaje Candied Yams ... that might be one I'd be interested in getting :) Especially if it was similar to the original Holiday Blend, those had a sweetness that I just loved.
The original HB from 09 are the chit:thumbsup:

This thread completely lost all entertainment and banter value when I read 4x60... MU called it on that one. I can ignore this thread now.
Spot on. 4x60 jaw breaking nub.......yurz.
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Mar 21, 2011
East coast
5 pages of useless jibbrish. This is the reason bloggers/cigar sites get a bad wrap. Just go through these pages and read all the disparaging remarks. For what? Have any of you even met Andre? I have and I can say first hand he's one of the most down to earth, knowledgeable manufacturers I have ever met. Quick buck? The guy has been doing cigars for 13+ years. I think his pedigree speaks for itself. You all need to check your facts. Viaje is a breath of fresh air in a stale industry that I for one support to the fullest.

I searched for the info I was looking for and found my answers.


It turns out Andre didnt come up with the name OR idea for this project. Watch the interview. And the cigar is a 5" X 60. My advice is to educate yourself before writing. Good day everyone.
Rating - 0%
0   0   0
Oct 8, 2011
Monroe, NC
Holy run-on sentence batman!

This Text Wall needs its own Gipper to demand some tearing down!
Run on sentence, Nah. To F'in lazy to break into paragraphs like I was writing a term paper instead of posting on an online forum, Yes.:glassesgr


the Cigar "Gangsta" ;0(
Rating - 96.4%
149   4   2
Aug 31, 2009
Atlanta, Ga
I guess the reason I believe he will not be in the cigar world for a long period of time is because he is not working with Padron, Fuente, Pepin, Guillermo Leon, Litto or anyone else with a name that carries a lot of weight. Just my $.02.
So i guess you're calling Arsenio Ramos & The Fernandez family douchebag's right? Those people grow and roll some of the best tobacco on the market bud... Ask Dion!


Cigars, hockey, and beer.
Rating - 100%
69   0   0
Aug 18, 2010
Run on sentence, Nah. To F'in lazy to break into paragraphs like I was writing a term paper instead of posting on an online forum, Yes.:glassesgr
Just fyi.. regardless of providing your thoughts in an online forum or anywhere, if they're written out properly and clearly, they'll actually get read.

While you may have made a good point, I'll never know as I didn't read your post. Your failing to format your post properly stopped me from reading it. Not worth my time to dig through that wall of text to get to your point.
Rating - 100%
63   0   0
Jan 21, 2005
Springfield, MO
5 pages of useless jibbrish. This is the reason bloggers/cigar sites get a bad wrap. Just go through these pages and read all the disparaging remarks. For what? Have any of you even met Andre? I have and I can say first hand he's one of the most down to earth, knowledgeable manufacturers I have ever met. Quick buck? The guy has been doing cigars for 13+ years. I think his pedigree speaks for itself. You all need to check your facts. Viaje is a breath of fresh air in a stale industry that I for one support to the fullest.

I searched for the info I was looking for and found my answers.


It turns out Andre didnt come up with the name OR idea for this project. Watch the interview. And the cigar is a 5" X 60. My advice is to educate yourself before writing. Good day everyone.
Rating - 100%
4   0   0
Feb 8, 2011
5 pages of useless jibbrish. This is the reason bloggers/cigar sites get a bad wrap. Just go through these pages and read all the disparaging remarks. For what? Have any of you even met Andre? I have and I can say first hand he's one of the most down to earth, knowledgeable manufacturers I have ever met. Quick buck? The guy has been doing cigars for 13+ years. I think his pedigree speaks for itself. You all need to check your facts. Viaje is a breath of fresh air in a stale industry that I for one support to the fullest.

I searched for the info I was looking for and found my answers.


It turns out Andre didnt come up with the name OR idea for this project. Watch the interview. And the cigar is a 5" X 60. My advice is to educate yourself before writing. Good day everyone.
amazing what an inch can do, because I really like the 5x60 size and if that 9.50 holds, Im interested. And a re release of the VOR#5? Nice

So i guess you're calling Arsenio Ramos & The Fernandez family douchebag's right? Those people grow and roll some of the best tobacco on the market bud... Ask Dion!
Dion rolls a fine cigar too if I must say
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BoM april 09
Rating - 100%
166   0   0
Nov 11, 2008
Wouldn't you like to know?
Have any of you even met Andre? I have and I can say first hand he's one of the most down to earth, knowledgeable manufacturers I have ever met.
I have met Andre before and I try not to put him down in most of these threads but I had a completely different opinion of him. I didn't get cigar maker out of him as much as a career salesman. That said there are many other brands made by Don Pepin that no seems to complain that they don't blend their own cigars.

Posted via Mobile Device
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Sep 24, 2009
Eau Claire, WI
5 pages of useless jibbrish. This is the reason bloggers/cigar sites get a bad wrap. Just go through these pages and read all the disparaging remarks. For what? Have any of you even met Andre? I have and I can say first hand he's one of the most down to earth, knowledgeable manufacturers I have ever met. Quick buck? The guy has been doing cigars for 13+ years. I think his pedigree speaks for itself. You all need to check your facts. Viaje is a breath of fresh air in a stale industry that I for one support to the fullest.

I searched for the info I was looking for and found my answers.


It turns out Andre didnt come up with the name OR idea for this project. Watch the interview. And the cigar is a 5" X 60. My advice is to educate yourself before writing. Good day everyone.
Off topic, I know, but I just found your second-to-last sentence quite funny and ironic, considering the source you linked for your info. Ok, carry on!