my girlfriend Lora took my truck to a local garage for new tires and and oil change. i figured since a local place i would give them the biz. well tires are good. when they did the oil change they forgot to put the drain plug back in the oil pan. no how Fn stupid are they? they couldnt see the oil pouring out of the motor when they did it. they took the truck out of the garage and lora proceded to drive home and then the truck shut down. By then the garage called and said could you come back we forgot to do something. well yea since the truck shut off. she got it back to the garage and they put the drain plug back and more oil since it lost everything. the next day i get all kind of warning lights coming on and a noise coming form the motor. i checked the oil and it was full. i stopped at the garage and told them and in a not so nice way that they fucked up my truck. sooo i drove the truck home and it shut down again and wouldnt start and had to have it towed home. by this time i was really pissed off. i was in touch with the owner of the company and told them about everything. so i went 3 days with no vehicle and their insurance company got a hold of me and told that i could take it where ever i wanted to get looked at. so i had it towed again to a local dodge dealer that i knew of and trusted. in the mean time my work had a spare company car and i borrowed that so i can get back and forth to work. Their insurance company took my statement and the garages statement and they admitted their screw up, so then it went back to their insurance company to review,, i am thinking, what is there to review, they screwed up, get me a dam loaner and fixed my Fn truck. plain and simple. So the dodge dealer looked at my truck and it needs a new motor and now their insurance company is paying to having it fixed, me a rental truck. Hopefully this week i will have my truck back after 5 weeks of not having it. what a crock of shit. The insurance company was trying to get a reman motor, i said no way in a not so nice manner,that they couldnt do that due to it would void my power train warranty that i have left on it since the truck is an 2011 dodge ram with the 5.7 hemi. Now they are getting a new motor from dodge. All because this asshole didnt do his job right. Now since then the mechanic has called the police on Lora saying she is driving by and giving the finger and cussing at them, which he hasnt done, she explained everything to the state police and they said it sounds like the guy is pissed about it, i thought well he should be damn lucky he has a job. I get on the phone with the owner and wasnt very nice at all, I told her that if this shit keeps up they will be hearing from my lawyer and i will sue them for all this harrasment. this place has really pushed my jack ass button. what a joke, the owner said that this will stop and i said it had better or look out. i am not being nice about it. so beacuse of this their mistake, its costing them over 7 grand for my truck the tow bills and my rental. which is nice they got a 2016 ford f150. sharp truck but i just want my dodge ram back.