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what to do when your wife buys cigars


BoM Aug. 2014
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Oct 30, 2013
The frozen tundra of Minnesota.
you smoke them...

as a general rule they arent horrible sticks..

they are typically over priced... and many people (especially around here) dont care for their marketing practices..

but they arent going to kill you..

and your wife made a sincere attempt to do something that she thought would please you...

give her a gift back.. act appreciative... and go smoke them.. letting her know when you are heading out to fire up her "Christmas smokes".. etc... make her smile.. and let her enjoy the gift of giving...
+1 to this. A little class goes a long way.
+ 2 to this.
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Mar 24, 2013
Fort Myers FL
I see both sides that people are coming from, but if you haven't smoked them before then why not light it up?

Lighting it up and giving it a go you may find something about it you like (even if it turns out to just be a ok yard gar) or if you don't you can then educate her that they are not in your wheelhouse. She will retain this information for the next time.


BoM May '14
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Apr 13, 2012
San Diego
I see both sides that people are coming from, but if you haven't smoked them before then why not light it up?

Lighting it up and giving it a go you may find something about it you like (even if it turns out to just be a ok yard gar) or if you don't you can then educate her that they are not in your wheelhouse. She will retain this information for the next time.
I agree with Matty on this one! Sometimes I've been pleasantly surprised by a stick or two with a bad reputation!
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Mar 31, 2013
Keller, Texas
My wife is awesome and remembers exactly what I like. She hooked me up with a bunch Anejo #46's and surprised me several Opus X Destino al Siglo Lancero's.
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Feb 13, 2013
La Plata MD USA
you smoke them...

as a general rule they arent horrible sticks..

they are typically over priced... and many people (especially around here) dont care for their marketing practices..

but they arent going to kill you..

and your wife made a sincere attempt to do something that she thought would please you...

give her a gift back.. act appreciative... and go smoke them.. letting her know when you are heading out to fire up her "Christmas smokes".. etc... make her smile.. and let her enjoy the gift of giving...
Yeah. This.

Smoke one or two, then bomb friends nearby who don't care. you'd be surprised how many people who aren't nuts about this like we all are who want Gurkhas. A buddy of mine thinks they're amazing. Heck, do a review for us on them.

To keep her from getting them again, let her know eventually by giving her a list or just telling her. I wouldn't do that for a while until you've smoked them.
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Apr 10, 2012
Two things too do when your wife buys you any cigars:

1. Love her forever.

2. Be grateful she is trying to become involved in your hobby and/or make you happy.

Seriously it the ultimate form of flattery either way
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May 26, 2013
Elizabeth City, NC USA
I don't really understand the hate for Gurkha. I get that their advertising can be kinda sketchy(crazy high MSRP) but I've heard that people can really love them.
I took a hiatus from cigars for a year or two, the year before last when I had gotten back into it I bought a decent sized sampler of Gurkhas. Mostly centurions and titans. They weren't bad I guess, definitely a yard gar tho. I've still got a couple resting in my wineador, hoping the age might liven them up a bit.
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Sep 21, 2013
Pearland, TX
You guys are nuts! If I bought my wife a channel purse and said here honey it's beautiful and the lady at the store said it's almost as good as Chanel....my wife would have no problem taking it back and either would I. I want her to enjoy what she gets, and the same for me. I guess were just open like that to each other.
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Feb 13, 2013
La Plata MD USA
See, I imagine some wives are more sensitive about their gifts for you compared to what you get them. They probably expect us to screw it up.

Either way, I'm a single dude, so what do I know. (Hint, next to nothing)
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Jan 4, 2013
upper marlboro md
Lol the questions were ....

So what do you guys do when someone gives you something you will never use? And more importantly how do I stop her from getting shit I wont smoke or use?
Not what should I do with these ghurkas or how do I keep from hurting my wife's feelings etc...

I'm only pointing this out cuz heck id like to know too (at least the first question) and most of you have not answered them.

Angry Bill

2x BoM, BoY '08
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Nov 6, 2007
San Fernando Valley, CA
Send the Gurkhas to the troops and quit complaining. She obviously wanted to do something nice and buy you something she thought you'd appreciate, and it's the thought that counts, not the gift itself.

If a brother here bombed you, would you be complaining here cause they're not sticks from your wishlist? Nah, you'd post a pic and a thank you and privately dispose of the sticks however you saw fit. Thank your wife, give her a kiss for caring enough to try and get you something cigar related, and move on happy that you had a wife who loves you.
Just remember, a happy life is a happy wife.
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Sep 17, 2013
Derry,NH, 03038
Send the Gurkhas to the troops and quit complaining. She obviously wanted to do something nice and buy you something she thought you'd appreciate, and it's the thought that counts, not the gift itself.

If a brother here bombed you, would you be complaining here cause they're not sticks from your wishlist? Nah, you'd post a pic and a thank you and privately dispose of the sticks however you saw fit. Thank your wife, give her a kiss for caring enough to try and get you something cigar related, and move on happy that you had a wife who loves you.
👍 very well said brother!
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May 26, 2013
Elizabeth City, NC USA
Lol the questions were ....

So what do you guys do when someone gives you something you will never use? And more importantly how do I stop her from getting shit I wont smoke or use?
Not what should I do with these ghurkas or how do I keep from hurting my wife's feelings etc...

I'm only pointing this out cuz heck id like to know too (at least the first question) and most of you have not answered them.
"And more importantly how do I stop her from getting shit I won't smoke or use?"
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Feb 13, 2013
La Plata MD USA
Lol the questions were ....

So what do you guys do when someone gives you something you will never use? And more importantly how do I stop her from getting shit I wont smoke or use?
Not what should I do with these ghurkas or how do I keep from hurting my wife's feelings etc...

I'm only pointing this out cuz heck id like to know too (at least the first question) and most of you have not answered them.
Smoke it, or it goes to the friends who smoke anything


BoM Feb 13 - BoY 2013
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Aug 1, 2012
the answer is embedded in the responses..

you dont stop her from getting shit you wont smoke or use..

if you have a wife that appreciates you enough to actually put some thought into a gift.. you smile and accept the gift.. say thank you.. and try to make sure she feels appreciated too...

That is not lying.. that is not the opposite of being open and truthful.. etc.. the physical gift is the least important part of this equation.. its about acknowledging the effort made and showing someone you love and care for (or should) some respect, kindness, and gratitude..

If you think she is intentionally screwing with you and trying to buy you things you wont like.. thats a wholly different situation..

There is nothing wrong with informing her, over time, about what you like, prefer, etc.. hopefully she will get it right the next time...

but you dont tell her that you dont like what she spent her time, energy, effort on.. in an attempt to make you happy..

that is.. unless you enjoy being thought of as a unappreciative a-hole... who isnt deserving of her time, energy, and effort in the future (expect underwear and socks next Christmas)...

its Christmas.. the old adage "its the thought that counts" is what matters... not the actual gift.. you dont try to force any change..

Craig Mac

BoM 4/10 7/11 12/14
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Aug 25, 2008
Hampton Roads VA
Smoke em with a smile then start mentioning the same brand to her like Padron or Tatuaje or Liga Privada over and over and hopefully next year she upgrades the selection, if not, then trade her in for one that listens better. :)

The above was meant to be read with a sense of humor to it. If you have found said comments to be offensive then I apologize for your lack of a sense of humor.


Just Another Ashhole
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Jul 12, 2008
San Diego/Atlanta
The great thing is that she cared enough to buy you something that you enjoy,,,cigars. The next thing to do is to talk to her and give her a list of cigars you love and that will be enough for her to draw from next time she wants to buy you cigars. It would be like you buying her perfume...she knows what she likes but sometimes we don't have the same tastes in things...which is why we ask questions and leave hints . You're still fortunate to have a wife who supports your hobby.