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What's your bad day at work?

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Dec 30, 2013
Atlanta, GA
So a few days ago, I had kind of a shitty day at work, for me, at least. Been thinking about it the past few days, and wanted to post up on here and hear from you guys.

I am an Assistant Location Manager on a new TV series. Before we really get into filming, one of my duties is to help scout locations based off criteria I have received (really vague, awful descriptions most of the time) from my superiors.

So on my bad day, I spent 10 hours driving around the city and metro looking for a particular house, and dropping letters on possible candidates doors. No call backs, nothing new, no scout photos, nothing to show my boss or the creative team. Just a day wasted spent in traffic. Everything I followed up on yielded no interest from homeowners.

Sounds rather stupid, but it's all relative. A day spent driving around, talking to myself for 10 hours with no results is one kind of my bad days at work.

What is a bad day at your work like?
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Jul 22, 2014
Sounds like you have a pretty cool gig.

Anyway, I'm in sales so a bad day at work for me would consist of me not closing any business. An even worse day at work would be a previous "deal" canceling and not closing any business. And that actually happened to me a few days ago....so I feel your pain. :)
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May 14, 2012
Auditor here.
My bad day is a day spent spinning my wheels on one problem and making no progress. All the while, fielding emails from my superiors asking dumb questions or questions about things way less important than what I am working on. Then, coming home only to spend the entire night still working only to get up the next day and do it again........
Frick. I need a smoke.
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Apr 25, 2014
Gilbert AZ
I work for a very large health insurance company in the Escalations Department for Prior Authorizations. My department receives calls from doctor's offices, hospitals, and other healthcare providers to submit requests for authorization for medical services. My job is to answer process and procedure questions of our agents take the "escalated" calls from providers or members who aren't happy. A bad day for me is where the majority of my calls are people yelling at me because a decision is not made right away, or they don't like the decision that was made. On a particularly bad day I will get people that cuss me out up and down and/or refuse to get off my phone until something happens in their favor even if it is something I have zero control over.
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Dec 7, 2013
Los Angeles, CA
I'm a research scientist, and a bad day for me is when shit doesn't work. Which is most days. If I knew what I was doing, it wouldn't be called research, I suppose. But that one day where things do work...it doesn't come along too frequently, but when it does, it makes it all worth it.
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Jan 28, 2014
Columbus, Oh
I work for a very large health insurance company in the Escalations Department for Prior Authorizations. My department receives calls from doctor's offices, hospitals, and other healthcare providers to submit requests for authorization for medical services. My job is to answer process and procedure questions of our agents take the "escalated" calls from providers or members who aren't happy. A bad day for me is where the majority of my calls are people yelling at me because a decision is not made right away, or they don't like the decision that was made. On a particularly bad day I will get people that cuss me out up and down and/or refuse to get off my phone until something happens in their favor even if it is something I have zero control over.
Ugh. Sounds like hell to me.
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Jan 28, 2014
Columbus, Oh
I'm a foreman for an electrical contractor. When things go boom or someone gets hurt is a bad day for me. I also tend to spend a lot of time keeping mouth breathers from killing themselves.
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Apr 25, 2014
Gilbert AZ
I work for a very large health insurance company in the Escalations Department for Prior Authorizations. My department receives calls from doctor's offices, hospitals, and other healthcare providers to submit requests for authorization for medical services. My job is to answer process and procedure questions of our agents take the "escalated" calls from providers or members who aren't happy. A bad day for me is where the majority of my calls are people yelling at me because a decision is not made right away, or they don't like the decision that was made. On a particularly bad day I will get people that cuss me out up and down and/or refuse to get off my phone until something happens in their favor even if it is something I have zero control over.
Ugh. Sounds like hell to me.
It most certainly is most days... Fighting like hell to get my brewery open so I can quit this gig and start doing something I truly love for a living.
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Jan 28, 2014
Columbus, Oh
I work for a very large health insurance company in the Escalations Department for Prior Authorizations. My department receives calls from doctor's offices, hospitals, and other healthcare providers to submit requests for authorization for medical services. My job is to answer process and procedure questions of our agents take the "escalated" calls from providers or members who aren't happy. A bad day for me is where the majority of my calls are people yelling at me because a decision is not made right away, or they don't like the decision that was made. On a particularly bad day I will get people that cuss me out up and down and/or refuse to get off my phone until something happens in their favor even if it is something I have zero control over.
Ugh. Sounds like hell to me.
It most certainly is most days... Fighting like hell to get my brewery open so I can quit this gig and start doing something I truly love for a living.
Good luck to you brother. I have the same dream. I am waiting for my kids to grow so I can toss my stability out the window
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Dec 30, 2007
Harrisburg, PA
A bad day for me is getting beer sprayed on me and then having to explain to a cop on my way home at a field sobriety check point that i am a brewer and no I wasn't drinking. They were baffled I passed a field test and a breathalyzer with out hiccup based on how I smelled.

Well i also had a shitty day on Monday when I got caustic cleaner sprayed in my pants forcing a change of clothes and skin rinsing. First time it had happened actually, and why I keep two changes or clothes in my locker.
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Jan 5, 2014
Arvada, CO
Master ski boot fitter so my bad day is when people come in with jacked feet. Then again putting anyone in plastic non flexible boots after being in sandals all summer sucks!
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Jul 25, 2013
West Virginia
My bad day is in flu season.... 80-100 pts in 11 hrs, toss a dx of cancer in there for some poor soul in the middle, everybody feels terrible has a fever and expects to be better yesterday
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Jun 30, 2014
Golf course agronomist. Everyone thinks I'm Karl Spackler from Caddyshack and think I mow grass everyday. Bad day for me...where do I start. Staff, weather, and managing a tangible living organism have it's daily challenges. I feel like a firefighter putting out little fires everywhere all day long...


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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
On-wing Powerplant engineer. Bad day for me? Engine craps out mid flight. Really bad day? Both engines crap out in flight. Fortunately, I've never really had a really bad day at work. But, if I told you how many bad days I've had, you may never fly again.

As a side note, reading this thread, it brings to mind the old adage of everyone throwing their laundry into a pile. After reading some of these, I would dive in to get my laundry, or Barbarinos, that sounds like a fun job...
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Jul 25, 2013
West Virginia
I love what I do but when I have a bad day it's usually because I have to tell someone something terrible and it brings tears at times, and usually I can't just leave it at the office....... The worst is when it's a child but thankfully that's rare


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Dec 7, 2013
Hurst Texas USA
I love what I do but when I have a bad day it's usually because I have to tell someone something terrible and it brings tears at times, and usually I can't just leave it at the office....... The worst is when it's a child but thankfully that's rare
I can honestly say, the medical field is one of those fields that I could not work in because of that. I'm a fixer, I fixate on my issue and go all CDO on it and fix it. If part of my job is to tell people that I can't fix it, I don't know how I could deal with it. For that, you are a much better man than I.
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Jul 25, 2013
West Virginia
It's so rewarding in all other aspects and people recognize when you really care, and blowing up a glove balloon for a sick kid brings me great pleasure...... I get requests from kids more often than adults to see them in the office