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Suburban robot that monitors reality -BOM Feb.'13
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Mar 16, 2012
Winona, MN
Been a busy couple of weeks.

Not sure if I have shared this before but my wife is a breast cancer survivor. She originally had breast cancer about 15 years ago and had a double mastectomy at that time. Since then, the cancer has metastasized and come back in her sternum twice (5 years ago and 2 years ago) but she beat it both times so at this point she is a 3-time cancer survivor.

Two weeks ago, she went in for her semi-annual scan and it looks like it has returned again only this time it's in her back and possibly in her hip and pelvis as well. It has been a crazy couple of weeks filled with scans and oncology appointments with next week looking like much of the same. She will be undergoing a PET scan on Monday to determine exactly where the cancer is and will then be starting radiation treatments the end of next week or the first week of July.

The good news is that my boss is giving me as much time off as I need to take care of things and a couple of my co-workers have stepped-up to help with some of my workload. The better news is that she is in good spirits and that we are both trusting God for His will in this situation. We know that He is in control no matter what the future brings (although prayers are always appreciated).
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Jun 23, 2021
Been a busy couple of weeks.

Not sure if I have shared this before but my wife is a breast cancer survivor. She originally had breast cancer about 15 years ago and had a double mastectomy at that time. Since then, the cancer has metastasized and come back in her sternum twice (5 years ago and 2 years ago) but she beat it both times so at this point she is a 3-time cancer survivor.

Two weeks ago, she went in for her semi-annual scan and it looks like it has returned again only this time it's in her back and possibly in her hip and pelvis as well. It has been a crazy couple of weeks filled with scans and oncology appointments with next week looking like much of the same. She will be undergoing a PET scan on Monday to determine exactly where the cancer is and will then be starting radiation treatments the end of next week or the first week of July.

The good news is that my boss is giving me as much time off as I need to take care of things and a couple of my co-workers have stepped-up to help with some of my workload. The better news is that she is in good spirits and that we are both trusting God for His will in this situation. We know that He is in control no matter what the future brings (although prayers are always appreciated).
I hate to hear this man but I’m happy you and your wife are in good spirits and the doctors seem to be on top of it. Your family will be in my prayers brother.

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Jan 30, 2017
Sorry to hear about this Rupe. Sometimes it's easier to deal with illness when it attacks you instead of the people you love. She's a fighter and has the energy and support for another battle. Best of luck, please keep us updated


Mr. Salomones
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Feb 24, 2005
Been a busy couple of weeks.

Not sure if I have shared this before but my wife is a breast cancer survivor. She originally had breast cancer about 15 years ago and had a double mastectomy at that time. Since then, the cancer has metastasized and come back in her sternum twice (5 years ago and 2 years ago) but she beat it both times so at this point she is a 3-time cancer survivor.

Two weeks ago, she went in for her semi-annual scan and it looks like it has returned again only this time it's in her back and possibly in her hip and pelvis as well. It has been a crazy couple of weeks filled with scans and oncology appointments with next week looking like much of the same. She will be undergoing a PET scan on Monday to determine exactly where the cancer is and will then be starting radiation treatments the end of next week or the first week of July.

The good news is that my boss is giving me as much time off as I need to take care of things and a couple of my co-workers have stepped-up to help with some of my workload. The better news is that she is in good spirits and that we are both trusting God for His will in this situation. We know that He is in control no matter what the future brings (although prayers are always appreciated).
So sorry to hear the news, :sorry: I will be praying for and your whole family!


Outlaw Hockey Biker
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Sep 6, 2005
Been a busy couple of weeks.

Not sure if I have shared this before but my wife is a breast cancer survivor. She originally had breast cancer about 15 years ago and had a double mastectomy at that time. Since then, the cancer has metastasized and come back in her sternum twice (5 years ago and 2 years ago) but she beat it both times so at this point she is a 3-time cancer survivor.

Two weeks ago, she went in for her semi-annual scan and it looks like it has returned again only this time it's in her back and possibly in her hip and pelvis as well. It has been a crazy couple of weeks filled with scans and oncology appointments with next week looking like much of the same. She will be undergoing a PET scan on Monday to determine exactly where the cancer is and will then be starting radiation treatments the end of next week or the first week of July.

The good news is that my boss is giving me as much time off as I need to take care of things and a couple of my co-workers have stepped-up to help with some of my workload. The better news is that she is in good spirits and that we are both trusting God for His will in this situation. We know that He is in control no matter what the future brings (although prayers are always appreciated).
You'll both be in my prayers, and you have the fact that she's a fighter on your side. I know you'll take excellent care of her and yourself.


King Dude
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Apr 28, 2009
Olivehurst, CA
Been a busy couple of weeks.

Not sure if I have shared this before but my wife is a breast cancer survivor. She originally had breast cancer about 15 years ago and had a double mastectomy at that time. Since then, the cancer has metastasized and come back in her sternum twice (5 years ago and 2 years ago) but she beat it both times so at this point she is a 3-time cancer survivor.

Two weeks ago, she went in for her semi-annual scan and it looks like it has returned again only this time it's in her back and possibly in her hip and pelvis as well. It has been a crazy couple of weeks filled with scans and oncology appointments with next week looking like much of the same. She will be undergoing a PET scan on Monday to determine exactly where the cancer is and will then be starting radiation treatments the end of next week or the first week of July.

The good news is that my boss is giving me as much time off as I need to take care of things and a couple of my co-workers have stepped-up to help with some of my workload. The better news is that she is in good spirits and that we are both trusting God for His will in this situation. We know that He is in control no matter what the future brings (although prayers are always appreciated).
Fuck cancer. Will keep you guys in my prayers.
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Jan 30, 2017
A while back I ask about what gift to buy a highschool graduate going to trade school. My intention was to buy him a good pair of workboots.

Glad I didn't move on it yet, his most recent plans are to attend a Theological Seminary and become a minister. I really have no clue what to give someone going into the ministry.
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Oct 31, 2009
A while back I ask about what gift to buy a highschool graduate going to trade school. My intention was to buy him a good pair of workboots.

Glad I didn't move on it yet, his most recent plans are to attend a Theological Seminary and become a minister. I really have no clue what to give someone going into the ministry.

Work boots are still an option.
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Jun 23, 2021
A while back I ask about what gift to buy a highschool graduate going to trade school. My intention was to buy him a good pair of workboots.

Glad I didn't move on it yet, his most recent plans are to attend a Theological Seminary and become a minister. I really have no clue what to give someone going into the ministry.
A nice study bible would be a great option if you know what version he reads.

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Jan 30, 2017
Yea I don't think we are high enough on the list of favorite aunts and uncles in law to give him something like a bible that he would keep forever. I have to guess his mom or grandmas would want to do that. He's a scrawny, little teenager that wears a lot of Scooby Doo t-shirts so the dress shoes idea is good or a sportscoat, nice shirt and tie.

He expressed an interest in service and mission work. Maybe my wife should suggest the Peace Corps for a couple of years. See if doing for others is something he really wants.
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Oct 31, 2009
Yea I don't think we are high enough on the list of favorite aunts and uncles in law to give him something like a bible that he would keep forever. I have to guess his mom or grandmas would want to do that. He's a scrawny, little teenager that wears a lot of Scooby Doo t-shirts so the dress shoes idea is good or a sportscoat, nice shirt and tie.

He expressed an interest in service and mission work. Maybe my wife should suggest the Peace Corps for a couple of years. See if doing for others is something he really wants.

yea,,,,,,,,,work boots
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Jan 30, 2017
Wife just had lunch with him and his granny. Wifey kind of said " " it and wrote a check. Problem solved, right now the plan is to live with grandma and go to trade school for HVAC. I do see a pair of boots in his future but maybe for community college graduation.