Nice Work!!Farthest I have ever jogged in my life
Good Luck.Mind if I jump in on this? Trying to lose maybe 20 lbs. Im 5'7 and 203 lbs. I have been lifting for prob 4 or 5 yrs and have gained a ton. I used to be 160. I have a ton of muscle but a lot of it is covered by fat. I gotta lose my gut. Havent done cardio in forever (because I hate it) but started today. Also started dieting too. Gotta balance it so I dont lose any muscle tho. I will probably alternate days of lifting and cardio. Its definetly hard to get into a new routine tho. But Ive finally come to grips now that Ive turned 30, that I have to start "cutting" to try to look "ripped". Cause its only going to get worse! Haha.
It tough but worth it. Hitting biceps tonight.Mind if I jump in on this? Trying to lose maybe 20 lbs. Im 5'7 and 203 lbs. I have been lifting for prob 4 or 5 yrs and have gained a ton. I used to be 160. I have a ton of muscle but a lot of it is covered by fat. I gotta lose my gut. Havent done cardio in forever (because I hate it) but started today. Also started dieting too. Gotta balance it so I dont lose any muscle tho. I will probably alternate days of lifting and cardio. Its definetly hard to get into a new routine tho. But Ive finally come to grips now that Ive turned 30, that I have to start "cutting" to try to look "ripped". Cause its only going to get worse! Haha.
Good Luck.
Did legs yesterday
Nice work! Keep it goingI think i prefer posting here than to facebook....:agreeclen
Tuesday - Chest, Back, and Shoulders - 30mins on Elliptical
Wednesday - Full Court Basketball for 1:20
Today - Legs
I'm also eating super clean, only sugar i've consumed has been
in coffee. (twice so far this week.) I'm drinking a gallon of water while working out, and water throughout the day. No other carbs, Meats, Vegetables, and Fruits at night if i'm up late, and catch hunger pangs.
Something that can help you guys who are up late at night,
eating banana's that are green, w/ hint of yellow, the starch
in that from is a natural fat blocker. Haven't done any in depth
research to verify, but it sounds good!:stretchgr
A week ago i'd ballooned back up to 253, i'm currently 246.7 (give or
take. i don't have the most accurate digital scale!)