For me, it's any of my favorite old standbys. I know have at least a couple each of the No. 9's, Las Calaveras, LLTK, HUC#1, HDM Ep 2, and Monte 2s left in my humi, all of which I absolutely love. But, I only get a smoke a week, sometimes two if I'm lucky, and lately I've been trying to try new stuff. It's a tough call to choose between a guaranteed enjoyable smoke, or something new that came highly recommended. But hey, that's how I know I'm livin' the good life! I may have a shrinking stash and a shrinking budget, but I'm still choosing between something new and something good!
My typical practice of late is to take two cigars out with me: one new stick I've been wanting to try to start with, and one old standby. I used to take several new sticks out, but had a couple runs a while back where I'd end up tossing two bad sticks and being grumpy and without a good cigar to smoke. Now, if the new one sucks, it's on to the tried and true.