Wow, quite the timing!also a storm went through, knocking out over 40,000 customers, even mother nature is on our side
lol but scabs dont know how to fix it...... SO i imagine those poor customers will be without service for awhileDude, I feel for ya, but I've got like 4-6 pairs down. *grumble*
um, i think by vino he may of meant fridge, not actual wine.If you get in a bind and need to sell some wine, let me know. I used to have a wine shop and know a few people who might be buyers for some good bottles.
Good luck
+2....Those were a bad comment.
Thanks to all my brothers and sisters that supported me and stood by me over these last 2 weeks. As of tuesday we are returning to work under the old contract since the company is finally bargaining in good faith.
Its a small step in a great victory for the middle class
The unions counter that the landline business supports the growing wireless business and that Verizon, which earned about $3 billion in the first half of the year, can afford to maintain the benefits in the contract that expired on Aug. 6.