Can they tweak your meds, Mike? I'm sorry you're dealing with this.
I did back today, changed up some exercises and did lots of volume.,
They have me on the lowest dose already. I don't want to give it up because it has helped me push through and start making some real progress. But, Monday I had four hours of driving with minimal breaks. Plus I've spent a lot of time on the computer helping a friend with some side hustle stuff.That through me off all week. Together things have just snowballed. It isn't as bad as four months ago. But definitely worse than last month.
I really noticed it today at an interview. I had to stop answers twice to ask for the person to repeat the question. Plus I was losing words again.
The neurologist is hoping for max recovery by August. My primary still wants me to try for long term disability through the end of the year. I have a visit with a memory specialist now, but that is like two months out.
On the upside, I helped a friend with a couple of coloring books for his kids. He is going to self publish and split the profits. So, it will be a few dollars for gas.
I plan on working out Saturday and Sunday.